
Compostable packaging is one of the latest trends sweeping across the foodservice and grocery industries in the US. As a Brand Manager, Store Manager, Packaging Designer, or Production/Plant Manager, a couple of your primary goals are to provide a great product in safe and effective packaging, as well as your bottom line. In the past, managers had to choose sustainability or savings, but that is changing and costs are much closer now.

More importantly, packaging affects so many aspects of how customers feel about the food they’re getting and how they feel about your brand. If you’re still using packaging that isn’t biodegradable, here are seven reasons you should consider it.

People are worried about food packaging waste, and the majority of customers are willing to pay extra for sustainable products.

According to a 2018 Nielsen survey, 60% of North American consumers surveyed are concerned about food packaging waste, and 70% for Millenials and younger consumers. Another Nielsen survey in 2016 showed 66% of Millennials would prefer to pay more for sustainable products and goods than to pay less for something less sustainable.

It’s really not more expensive than plastic anymore.

There is a big misconception about “green” packaging.  Generally, the price is at parity or less if you’re comparing it to plastic.

Advancements have made sustainable packaging more versatile and convenient than older-style packaging.

Some packaging suppliers have products that can take heating as high as 425 F, making them great options for products that need reheating, microwaving and cooking at home.

They don’t contain carcinogens like BPAs, or allergens.

Customers are becoming more aware of the dangers of some of the toxic chemicals in plastics, and are requesting safer, allergen-free packaging. Aside from the fact that your customers will appreciate it, it will also reduce your risk of negative reviews when they had a reaction to the packaging. Customers having a reaction may not know it was the packaging and not something in the food!

Food containers with food on them aren’t recyclable, even if the container is.

Food containers with fats or oils on them are not recyclable even if the plastic itself is. Fats and oils contaminate the recycling process, so when they’re found it’s just thrown away by the recycling center, sometimes with other materials that would otherwise have been recyclable.

It’s a selling point you can use to stand out in a crowded market, and advertise in person and on social media.

Creating content for your website’s blog and social media accounts can be challenging. Announcing and discussing your new packaging and regular reminders about your decision to be green are great content options that basically write themselves. If you’re doing your own social media, it can save you a lot of time. If you’re paying someone to do it you’ll save money too.

It’s safe to assume sustainable products are going to become more and more popular, and some cities/states are already banning packaging that isn’t biodegradable.

Portland, Oregon just banned plastic straws in October of this year. Styrofoam will be banned in the state of Maryland on July 1st, 2020. Considering how many Americans prefer sustainable packaging and how that’s increased over time, it’s likely that trend will continue. As State and Local governments take moves to ban wasteful types of food packaging, it seems likely that you will have to make the switch at some point. Would you rather make that switch on your terms, or in a rush when you have no choice anymore?

Compostable packaging is the future of foodservice and grab-and-go food packaging. Americans are getting more and more concerned about reducing pollution, and they’re voting with their wallets. Making the change today gives you a chance to advertise your commitment to sustainability and get ahead of your competitors.

Give our team a call at (763) 746-3345 and tell us about your situation, we’d love to help you go green.

Team UltraGreen https://ultragreenpackaging.com/distributors/